Marco Piva
Asset Management

In the year in which man set foot on the Moon for the first time, I was born in Mantua. I attended the “Belfiore” Scientific High School and then the Polytechnic University in Milan, where I graduated in Architecture and I got the professional qualification in the same year.
I am particularly proud and pleased with this education because, even if I did not make the architect career my own path, it allowed me to enhance my pragmatic side and my attention to technique along with creativity and aesthetical culture. It is very satisfying for me to create concrete solutions for living spaces, even in the tiniest detail.
After a long period of experience in entrepreneurship, closely linked to the construction industry, in 2013 I joined Fondazione Malagutti, where I was able to transfer my knowledge and my passion as a technical manager, and a supervisor of the building stock and everything related to it.
The protection of assets is possible thanks to those who take care of them: I
coordinate a group of people with whom I work to valorise places, spaces and objects of the Foundation. Within the organisation, I am an active part in carrying out initiatives, projects and events linked to its lively institutional activity, while strongly believing that the creation of the “new” inspires sensitivity and attention to everything that comes back in favour of people.