Giovanni Malagutti
It was the middle of the night, under a heavy rain, when my father Giuseppe went by bike to call the midwife. My mother Clementine she gave birth to me almost by herself, at the end of July, 1955.

I am from San Benedetto Po, where I lived until my graduation in Psychology at the University of Padua, in 1979. Soon after that, I carried out the compulsory military service, both at the Recruitment Centre (CAR) for the Bersaglieri Corps and at the Health Direction of the Military Hospital in Verona – Psychological Counselling Centre, specialising in drug addictions.
After a yearly experience as Psychology Professor at the Scuola Magistrale “Sant’Angela Merici” in Mantua, I started freelance activities in the same city, at the “Luigi e Eleonora Gonzaga” Institute, at the Vocational Training Center of the Lombardy Region, at the Municipalities of Porto Mantovano and Mantua, at the ENAIP.
From 1981 to 1988 I was assigned by the Italian Ministry of Justice as an “Psychology Expert” at the Correctional Facilities in Mantua, Cremona, Brescia and Milan. In the meantime, I studied to specialise myself in Clinical Criminology, with a Social Psychological approach, at the University of Milan.
They were the “Years of Lead”, and I still remember my parents’ concerns in knowing me in direct contact with political criminals, and in particular with the female brigadists.
After I won the public contest at the Local Health Company (ASL) in Mantua, I became part of the team of the Service for Drug Addictions and of the Research Centre of Family and Relational Therapy (CSTFR) in Rome; I also became licensed for Psychotherapy, with a training in Systemic Family Therapy.
Since 1990 I am registered at the Professional Order of Psychologists in the Lombardy Region – Sez. A– n° 03/897, specialising in psychotherapeutic activities.
Still as an employee for the Local Health Company (ASL), I worked at the Family Counselling Centre. After about twenty years, with the Health Programme reform instituting the ASST, I was designated at the Ser.T. in Mantua, then at the one in Castiglione delle Stiviere and finally at the one in Viadana.
In pursuing a continuous professional education, in 2006 I earned a 2nd level Master’s degree, concerning Violence against Children and Trauma Psychology at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, while in 2009 I earned the 2nd level Master’s degree at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, which concerned assessment and intervention against childhood abuse and pedophily.
Volunteering became part of my daily activities, since in 1990 I founded Alfaomega Associazione Volontari, to assist people affected by HIV-AIDS. I have been the first President of this Organisation and currently am a Member of the Board of Directors.
In 2002 I founded Fondazione Malagutti, now an institution in the third sector (ETS), that welcomes and accompanies children and young people towards the overcoming of fragility caused by neglect, mistreatment, abuse, pathologies, or lack of parental references. I am currently the President of this Institution.
My passion is photography: I practise it, whenever I manage to have some spare time in which to express my creativity. I am curious and attracted by Arts, and I get moved by many beautiful things in different fields. Nature and animals are among my primary interests; I had a very important companion that, unfortunately, left me since some years: Charlie, a wonderful Border Collie with which I lived sixteen almost symbiotic years.